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2018 Look back and 2019 Resolutions

Updated: Dec 31, 2018

Good Day LA Piera Party Etiquette
Good Day LA Interview

I just spent 10 days in my hometown of Brooklyn, NY and feel refreshed and excited for 2019. After what feels like eating endless amounts of bread, pasta and pizza, I'm ready to start a routine of healthy habits so I guess it is perfect that the new year is upon us.

2018 was a great year for me both career-wise and personally. I was maid-of-honor for my cousin's wedding, I met a wonderful person and even introduced him to my family...weird. Professionally, I went on my first ever Press Tour in the summer, which consisted of 20+ national radio and television (both live and recorded) outlets. In the fall, I went on Good Day LA for my first ever in-studio interview and realized how much I love a good monochrome outfit. I also participated in several Sponsored campaigns (Happy Socks, Credo Beauty, W&P to name a few).

Now that 2018 is pretty much over and I've seen multiple '2019 Resolutions To Start Now' articles, I figured I'd start my own list of things I'd like to accomplish and work towards in the new year. Plus, I usually write them on a piece of paper that I end up throwing out about a month in because *decluttering*.

Tell me your resolutions in the comments! LMK if that works because I'm still figuring out how to add that to my posts 🤦🏻‍♀️. If it doesn't work, please DM me on Insta.

#1. Post more content.

This sounds lame, but oftentimes I take photos, think of captions and never share them to my social channels due to either overthinking, not wanting to ruin the aesthetic of my feed or laziness. I want to share my daily experiences with people whether they end up liking or commenting on the post or not. Plus, I have this blog that I use every so often. I want to change that and post at least once a week... or once every other week.

#2. Be more outgoing and grow my social media presence.

I'm a pretty introverted person. Dyeing my hair has helped me express myself without speaking and boosted my perception of being an extrovert. To grow my social media presence I'll follow lesser followed hashtags, commenting on more photos and DM-ing people I'm already following. Funny how that IG algorithm makes you forget who you want to connect with!

#3. Seek out speaking opportunities.

I've been in the Social Media world for 8+ years now and know a lot about it. When I go to conferences I feel like I already know most of what is being said so this year I'd like to be a speaker and teach others. Also, I would love to do another press tour or interview opportunity like I had this year. It really pushed me out of my comfort zone and I loved it!

#4. Figure out how to budget.

I'm pretty good at budgeting and not spending money, but not like a whole year overview kind of thing so I might invest in downloading one of those apps to help instead of looking at them on the iTunes store, downloading the free version and immediately delete them after a week.

#5. Travel more.

In 2017 I had a goal to travel once every month and I did a pretty good job actually doing that. This year, I was super busy with work and put traveling to the side. In 2019, I want to travel again at least once a month - preferably somewhere I haven't been before (I haven't traveled much around the States so that should be easy) and within budget (a la #4).

#6.Learn new skills.

I've always wanted to learn how to make my own clothes so 2019 will be the year I learn how to do that (maybe)! Ideally, I want to create a funky, well-tailored suit. Check back in a year for status update.

#7. Utilize my bike.

When I moved to LA I signed a lease for a Prius (predictable) after a month of not having a car. After 2 years, I returned the car, got a TAP card and a bike and started using Lyft to get around town. I used the bike maybe 20 times after buying it on Let Go.

#8. Create more.

A little different than #1 in the sense that I like to draw and paint in my spare time. It is so easy to continuously scroll and get inspired on Pinterest/Instagram and then do nothing because I feel overwhelmed. I want to create a least a handful of sketches or canvases a month this year. And eventually sell them. I can already see my 2020 resolutions appearing.

#9. Give back to my community.

I used to do lots of volunteer work in New York. I've done volunteer stints here and there, but I'd like to do more. Whether it means donating a little extra cash to a local charity, physically volunteering at a center or event or donating my clothes at Goodwill or shelter instead of making an extra buck on Poshmark *cough, link here, cough*.

#10. Give back to me.

Whether it means meditating and being phone-less for 15 minutes, actually taking my vitamins or sticking to my morning/night beauty routine, I want to spend more time on self-care. #8 should help with that as well.


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